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Kurigram LGED executive engineer Masudur Rahman is accused of addressing the journalist as "brother" instead of "sir". - dailypressjournal

Kurigram LGED executive engineer Masudur Rahman is accused of addressing the journalist as “brother” instead of “sir”.

  • Update Time : Monday, November 28, 2022
  • 181 Time View

Kurigram LGED executive engineer Masudur Rahman is accused of addressing the journalist as “brother” instead of “sir”.

 Saifur Rahman Shamim, Kurigram:

 Md. Masudur Rahman, executive engineer of Kurigram LGED, got angry with the journalist for addressing him as a brother.  He ordered the journalist to address him as Sir, Sir, Mr. or any other address.

 Last Saturday (November 26) at noon, Rashidul Islam Rashid, the Kurigram Correspondent of Jatiya Daily Bangladeshi Khabar, called Prakouli on his mobile phone about the irregularities in the Palashbari road renovation work from Trimohani Saha Pump.  When the journalist addressed the executive engineer of LGED as brother, he got angry.  “Said-a first-class officer of LGED does not even know how to address?  Of course, he ordered to be addressed as Sir, Sir or any other name,” he said sarcastically to the journalist to learn how to address him.

 At that time, the journalist said to Masudur Rahman, the executive engineer of LGED, “You are an employee of the republic, you are paid with people’s money. Why do you have to say sir?”  Say sir or sir or something else.  Learn how to address an executive officer first” this is how the officer behaved disrespectfully with the journalist.

 The investigation revealed that the executive engineer of Kurigram LGED Md. Masudur Rahman misbehaved with several senior journalists of the district.  Forced to take prior permission to enter his chamber.  Behaves rudely even when entering his chamber.  As always, he expressed his inability to give information.

 Several journalists said that Masudur Rahman, the executive engineer of LGED, considers Kurigram LGED as his ancestral home.  He also forgot the normal politeness.  Due to his residence in the neighboring district of Rangpur, he has spread great influence.  We are proud of his behavior.

 Bangla Tribune’s Kurigram representative Ariful Islam Regan said that the leaders of every government office in the district should take advantage of the simplicity of the people of this district!  They know how to get caught here.

 Zaham TV’s Kurigram representative Badsha Saikat said, a journalist can call an official for information and address him as brother, there is nothing wrong with it.  Mahodaya or Saheb languages ​​distance people from government officials.  It is better to address brother.

 Senior journalist and president of Kurigram Press Club Raju Mostafiz said, a journalist or people can never address any government official as sir, madam, sahib.  There is no such rule in their service book.  If he is under pressure to say this, he must be exaggerating.  Moreover, no constitution says that they have to be called Sir.

 In this regard, learned lawyer of Bangladesh Supreme Court Md. Masum Billah said that every government official-employee is a slave of the republic.  People are not bound to call you Sir, rather they are bound to call the people Sir.  LGED executive engineer’s pretentious behavior is definitely against the constitution.

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