January 16, 2025, 3:56 pm
Free distribution of paddy seeds and fertilizer in the flower shop of Kurigram.
Saifur Rahman Shamim, Kurigram:
The Upazila Agriculture Office distributed free seeds and fertilizers among the small and marginal farmers on Monday, December 12 at 11:30 am at Phulbari in Kurigram. The Department of Agriculture Extension organized this distribution program in three phases at the upazila agriculture office premises for the current rabi season under the Agricultural Incentive Program 2022-23. Upazila Nirbahi Officer Suman Das, Agriculture Officer Nilufa Yasmin, Phulbari Police Station OC (Investigation) Sarwar Parvez, Assistant Programmer Ajmal Afsar, Women Affairs Officer Soheli Parveen, URDO Umme Kulchum, Phulbari Fire Service Station Master Ahsan Habib, Secondary Education Officer were present. Abdul High Rocket, Assistant Youth Development Officer Abdur Rahman, Academic Supervisor Abdus Salam etc.
3 thousand marginal farmers of the upazila were distributed 2 kg of Boro rice hybrid seeds and 5 kg of high-yielding Ufshi rice seeds, 10 kg of potash and 10 kg of phosphate fertilizers were distributed to 3 thousand 100 farmers. Besides, the agriculture department has distributed seeds and fertilizers of mustard, wheat, maize, groundnut, sunflower, onion, mung bean, mushur and kesari dal among 3 thousand 260 farmers of this upazila.
During the distribution, the upazila agriculture officer Nilufa Yasmin told the farmers that ideal seed beds should be made and seeds should be sown. The seeds should be dried in the sun for a while and soaked in water for 12 hours and sprinkled on the seed bed. If the fog is heavy then the seed bed should be covered with polythene. To get good yield, 18 to 22 days old seedlings should be planted in the field.