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Allegations of irregularities in the formation of committees of Singhimari High School in Kurigram. - dailypressjournal

Allegations of irregularities in the formation of committees of Singhimari High School in Kurigram.

  • Update Time : Wednesday, December 7, 2022
  • 192 Time View

Allegations of irregularities in the formation of committees of Singhimari High School in Kurigram.

Kurigram Correspondent : 

Allegations of irregularities have been raised against the head teacher and upazila secondary officer in the election of the president of the management committee of Sinhimari Bimukhi High School of Rajarhat Upazila of Kurigram. According to the complaint, two members of the elected governing board of the school submitted a complaint to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer for choosing the president of the institution’s management committee without following the proper procedure.

In this regard, Rajarhat Upazila Secondary Education Officer Md. Asharafuz Zaman said, I have not yet received a copy of the complaint. Bimal Chandra Sarkar, Principal of Singimari Dwmukhi High School, said that Prof. Sadekul Haque Nuru UP Chairman Chinnai was elected as the president of the seven-member Kanth Vot and no other candidate’s name was announced.  Only two were against. Complainant Zainal Abedin said, since there are multiple candidates for the post of president, I wanted to exercise voting rights secretly, but the secondary officer announced the name of the first candidate and asked for public support.  Later, when the atmosphere warms up, we leave.  We want to exercise suffrage by secret ballot. In this regard, Rajarhat Upazila Nirbahi Officer Noore Tasneem said, accepting the truth of the complaint, he said that the complaint will be investigated and action will be taken.

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