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Zaher Alvi-Tithi with the drama "Ajab Mohabbat". - dailypressjournal

Zaher Alvi-Tithi with the drama “Ajab Mohabbat”.

  • Update Time : Wednesday, January 11, 2023
  • 178 Time View

zaher Alvi-Tithi with the drama “Ajab Mohabbat”.

Entertainment Reporter :

Actor zaher Alvi and Tithi have a strange love affair. Alvi beats Tithi every day. However, both cannot live without each other. One night Alvi quarreled with Tithi and built a nest on a tree. Decided to stay there. But Tithi cannot accept this in any way. Finally Tithi tells Alvi that he should fight like this every day. The drama ‘Ajab Mohabbat’ was made with this pair in such a rural background.

It also stars Kachi Khondokar, Joynal Jack, Sanjida Mila and Niamat Rahman. Written by Ferrari Farhad and directed by Sayful Hafiz Khan. The executive producer of the play is Jamal Hossain. It will be released on Rangan Entertainment’s YouTube channel very soon.

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