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Nilphamari District, Dimla Nautara Hat CC Camera Cover: Congratulations to the chairman. - dailypressjournal

Nilphamari District, Dimla Nautara Hat CC Camera Cover: Congratulations to the chairman.

  • Update Time : Saturday, February 18, 2023
  • 196 Time View

Nilphamari District, Dimla Nautara Hat CC Camera Cover: Congratulations to the chairman.

Nilphamari District Representative:

The residents and business community have congratulated Chairman Ashiq Imtiaz Morshed Moni for bringing the entire Nautara Hut of Nautara Union No. 6 of Nilphamari Dimla Upazila under the CCTV camera. In this regard, Sudhijan and the business community of Nautara Bank Association spoke to them, they said that since before and after independence, such thinking about Nautara’s haat has not been seen. Applauds from the bottom of my heart for articulating a beautiful plan at such a young age, covering the entire hut under the cover of the CCTV camera. When asked about the benefits of installing CC cameras, they told the reporter, “We think we will get the benefits from the use of CC cameras. CC cameras are a tool to keep offices and homes safe from thieves.” In fact, the matter is not limited here. This may be an advantage but beyond that there are many benefits from CC cameras. Here are some of the benefits we have found. 1. Security: Through cc camera we can monitor the movement of outsiders. 2. Reducing misunderstandings: CC cameras can reduce misunderstandings. A customer came to the establishment of the user of the CC camera, he paid and the cashier said he did not. Finally, it was seen in the CCTV camera that the buyer took the money out of his pocket but did not give it. The relationship between the two was kept intact by the CC camera. 3. As evidence: Since the CC camera has a system to save the video, this video serves as evidence in any dispute or case. 4. Increasing employee attention: CC cameras increase employee attention to work. Because for all workers his job is a means of livelihood. Therefore, he is not willing to lose his job for any mistake. And so if there is a CC camera, the workers work more carefully. 5. Night Watch: Not only during the day but also at night when you are sleeping, a night vision cc camera acts as a vigilant watchman. Modern cameras have modern features like motion detector and human detector which are constantly influencing our lifestyle. 6. Reduction of the average calculation: as if there is a mistake! If such doubts arise, our whole day’s activities can be dragged out in a very short time. Which is capable of reducing the average of all my calculations. 7. Office monitoring: If your office is a little big or has many rooms or several floors, then CC cameras are undoubtedly useful for us. Because only CC camera can bring big office, mill or factory in front of eyes. 8. Remote monitoring system: If the cameras are covered by the online service, then the business can be carried out properly from anywhere in the world. Live instruction can be given to employees without any hassle. 9. Video Conversion: Today’s WiFi IP cameras have video and audio systems. Through which video conversation can be done by combining mobile and camera. 10. Coordination of work: If you have different offices, shops, godowns, then CC cameras can coordinate the work between them all.

Mohammad Ali Sanu


Date: 06/02/23

Who is the victory of Taraganj tobacco!!

Mominur Sarkar, Taraganj Rangpur Representative:

From Upazila Sadar Taraganj to Rangpur Syedpur Highway, turn right to Upazila Health Complex and go to Burir Haat along Gramya Meto Road. Green and green. Intoxicating national tobacco crop triumphs across the field. The name of the village is Paschim Rahima Pur (Molla Para). It is an agriculturally rich area of Taraganj Upazila. Most of the land here has two crops. In the land where vegetables are grown, paddy is one. And in some lands only paddy is planted without vegetables. Which land grows vegetables. The rest of the time between two crops is eaten. Children fly kites. Shalik-doves search for food. That wasteland is no longer fallow. Green and green tobacco. Talking to the tobacco farmer of Molla Para village in this regard, it is known that “Japan Tobacco” Company Limited provided financial support and various support to increase the interest of farmers in tobacco cultivation, including yard meetings. Farmers of Taraganj are becoming more interested in tobacco cultivation as Upazila Agriculture Officer distributed incentives without identifying the right wheat, maize and mustard farmers. Solaiman Sarkar and Jinnur Hossain, farmers of Damodarpur village, said this. Upazila Assistant Agriculture Officer Diba Rani Roy said, there is no order to stop tobacco cultivation from the government side, but efforts are being made to discourage tobacco cultivation.

Md. Mominur Sarkar

Taraganj Rangpur

Date: 07/01/23

Reception held at Jaldhaka on promotion to the post of Divisional Deputy Director.

Rauful Alam, Bureau Chief, Rangpur:

Former District Education Officer Shafiqul Islam was promoted to Deputy Director of Secondary and Higher Education (Acting) of Rangpur Division and a discussion meeting was held at Nilphamari Jaldhaka. Education Officer Chanchal Kumar Bhowmik spoke at the organization of Upazila Secondary Teachers’ Association today in Alhaj Mobarak Hossain Anirban High School hall under the chairmanship of association president Mohsin Ali. Jaldhaka Government School Principal Aminur Rahman, Teacher Association General Secretary Ashiqur Rahman, Shimulbari Schedule Cast High School Principal Jyotis Chandra Roy, Anirban High School Principal Roknuzzaman Chowdhury, Balapara Girls High School Principal Akkaz Ali, Uttar Desibai High School Principal were present. Principal Abul Kalam Azad, Cherenga Jharpara High School Principal Rostam Ali etc. Deputy director Shafiqul Islam said that the role of teachers is the most important to improve the quality of education. You will work with integrity. I have been to Jaldhaka many times. The education environment here is much better than other areas. It may be noted that last month, Nilphamari Shafiqul Islam was promoted from the district education officer to the deputy director of secondary and higher education of Rangpur division.

Md. Rouful Alam


Date: 07/02/23

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