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Farmers have increased interest in mustard cultivation in Phulbari of Kurigram .  - dailypressjournal

Farmers have increased interest in mustard cultivation in Phulbari of Kurigram . 

  • Update Time : Thursday, December 8, 2022
  • 148 Time View

Farmers have increased interest in mustard cultivation in Phulbari of Kurigram .                                            Saifur Rahman Shamim, Kurigram :

Farmers have increased interest in mustard cultivation in the current rabi season at Phulbari in Kurigram.  To meet their edible oil needs by cultivating mustard, some are hoping to grow mustard as they are profitable.  After sowing the seeds in the land, the farmers are currently busy tending the field.  As the day goes by, the mustard field grown by the intensive care of the farmer is covered with yellow flowers.  And the farmers are hoping for a good harvest.  And the agriculture department says that mustard is being cultivated in more than 1 thousand 650 hectares of land in the upazila this year.

 The upazila agriculture department says that a long-term plan has been adopted to increase mustard cultivation in the region.  Farmers are advised to practice short duration paddy cultivation from the time of seed sowing of Aman cultivation.  Advice to farmers for early and high yielding paddy cultivation of Bridhan-56, Bridhan-71, Bridhan-75, Bridhan-80, Bridhan-87 and Veena-4, Veena-9 varieties can be easily cultivated in the same land with rice cultivation.  was given  The implementation of the plan at the field level has yielded benefits.  Many farmers are now cultivating rabi season on the same land after cutting paddy earlier.  Besides, with the aim of increasing the production of edible oil by cultivating mustard seeds, free mustard seeds and fertilizers have been distributed among 1 thousand 900 farmers of the upazila under the agricultural incentive program.

 It has been seen in different areas of the upazila that local farmers have cultivated mustard on more land than other years.  Mustard fields can be seen looking at the plains from the pastures of the upazila.  And the farmers said that mustard can be grown at home with less cost and less time than other crops.  Besides, mustard is in demand in the market throughout the year and fetches good prices.  They have increased interest in mustard cultivation as they can make a profit by cultivating it.

 Shahjahan Ali, a farmer of Shahbazar area of ​​Baravita union of the upazila, said that he has cultivated mustard on three bigha of land this time.  To cultivate mustard on every bigha of land, it will cost about five thousand rupees including land preparation, seeds, fertilizers, irrigation, medicine and other expenses.  He expects to get a yield of 5 to 6 maunds of mustard per bigha of land.  He expects to get a profit of 12 to 15 thousand rupees by cultivating mustard on every bigha of land if the yield is as expected.  Moreover, he also said that it would be possible to grow bora paddy on the same land at a lower cost.

 Abu Bakar and Shasshul Haque, farmers of Rabaitari village of Bhangamore Union, said that they are cultivating mustard by getting mustard seeds and fertilizers free of cost from the agriculture office.  After 17 days of sowing the seeds in the land, they are applying top fertilizer to the land.  These two farmers hope to get a good yield as the condition of the field is good.

 Upazila Agriculture Officer Nilufa Yasmin said, in the upazila this year, 1 thousand 650 hectares of land are being cultivated in the upazila, including Beena-4, 9, 11, Bari-9, 14, 17, 18 varieties of Tori-7 and Kajli mustard.  Mustard cultivation is being done on 300 hectares more than last year.  We are giving necessary advice to farmers at the field level. 

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