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Brahmaputra river in Chilmari, Kurigram-Raumari ferry service is starting to get rid of the suffering of commuting in the district town. - dailypressjournal

Brahmaputra river in Chilmari, Kurigram-Raumari ferry service is starting to get rid of the suffering of commuting in the district town.

  • Update Time : Saturday, March 4, 2023
  • 316 Time View
Brahmaputra river in Chilmari, Kurigram-Raumari ferry service is starting to get rid of the suffering of commuting in the district town.
Saifur Rahman Shamim, Kurigram –
Ferry service is being started on the Chilmari-Raumari route to connect Roumari and Rajibpur upazilas, which are separated by Brahmaputra river in Chilmari, Tkurigram.  Director of BIWTA AKM Arif Uddin has confirmed that this ferry service is going to be launched in June.  By doing this, the residents of Brahmaputra and Rajivpur sub-districts are getting relief from the suffering of commuting to the district city.
A delegation of BIWTA and BIWTC visited Chilmari river port on Thursday (March 2) to check the feasibility of ferry operation on Chilmari-Raumari route.
According to district administration sources, recently the chief secretary of the Prime Minister.  Tofazzal Hossain Mia visited Kurigram and visited Roumari-Rajibpur upazila.  At that time, the local people demanded to start a ferry on Brahmaputra river connecting Roumari-Rajibpur upazila with the district town.  The Chief Secretary directed the Secretary of Shipping and the Secretary of the Ministry of Water Resources to accompany him on his tour.  In view of this, it was decided to start ferry on Chilmari-Raumari route.
Earlier, the members of the committee to verify the possibility of ferrying the Chilmari-Raumari route of the Brahmaputra river visited the Chilmari river port area and spoke to the journalists along with the upazila administration and the upazila chairman about the advantages and disadvantages of ferrying the ferry from there.
Meanwhile, BIWTA director AKM Arif Uddin said that there are several ferry routes for the ferry service from Roumari to the district city.  We will visit all the routes.  In this case, we will determine the suitability of the ferry port keeping in mind the river course, public demand and the challenge of frequent changes in the Brahmaputra river.  As the government has a plan around the Chilmari river port.  In that case, we are giving more importance to Chilmari river port.
The members of Chilmari-Raumari Ferry Ghat Feasibility Verification Committee went to Raumari via Brahmaputra after visiting the Chilmari river port.  There they are members of parliament for Kurigram-4 constituency and state minister for primary and mass education.  He met with Zakir Hossain.
BIWTA Director AKM Arif Uddin and BIWTC Director (Commercial) SM Ashikuzzaman, General Manager Marine Captain Hasimur Rahman Chowdhury, Manager Marine Abdullah Al Mamun, Engineer Sajidur Rahman, Engineer Abdur Rob Mandal and Chilmari Upazila visited Chilmari-Raumari Ferry Ghat feasibility.  Chairman Rokunuzzaman Shaheen, upazila executive officer.  Mahbubur Rahman and others.
Chilmari upazila executive officer.  Mahbubur Rahman said, if ferry service is started from Chilmari, the people of Roumari-Rajibpur upazila separated by Brahmaputra river will be able to travel to Kurigram district city easily.  Also, the people of Sunderganj police station of Gaibandha district can easily travel to different places of the country including Dhaka by using this ferry route.
Member of Parliament of Kurigram-4 Constituency and Minister of State for Primary and Mass Education.  Zakir Hossain said that there is no road to connect the people of Roumari-Rajibpur with the district town.  Every year they suffer boat capsizing while traveling to the district town through the Brahmaputra river.  The government is going to start ferry service to ease their suffering.  This ferry service is likely to be launched by the month of June.
In Kurigram, he got a scholarship even from absenteeism in the examination, there was a commotion in the area.
Saifur Rahman Shamim, Kurigram –
A 5th class student of Phulbari Upazila of Kurigram got a scholarship in general grade despite being absent in the examination.  When the results of the scholarship examination were released on Monday, the student’s roll was found in the published list of Phulbari upazila.  The student’s name is Sajib Ali.  His roll number is 24.  He was a student of Char Gorakmandal Government Primary School.  But he did not participate in the scholarship examination.  A storm of discussion and criticism has started in the classroom.
According to Education Office sources, 665 students from 161 government primary schools participated in the scholarship examination held in Phulbari upazila on December 30.  Student Sajib Ali in Roll No. 24 of Room 101 of Phulbari Degree College Center did not participate in the examination.  As a result, the concerned authorities sent the list to the district showing the student as absent.
Meanwhile, on Monday, when the results of the scholarship examination came out, a copy of the scholarship list of 44 Taltepul and 37 general grade students came to the education office in Phulbari Upazila.  The parents of the examinee and the heads of the institution can find out the roll number of that student.  On this news, the parents and students started rioting.  Student Sajib Ali’s house is the younger son of Huzur Ali and his mother Chakina Begum in Chargorkommand area of ​​Naodanga Union of Phulbari Upazila.
When the student went to Sajib Ali’s house on Tuesday afternoon, he said, “I did not give the exam.”  How I got the scholarship seems completely ridiculous.
In this regard, Shafiqul Islam Alam, head teacher of Char-Gorkamandal Government Primary School, said that 7 candidates have been included in descriptive roll (DR).  Three of them were absent.  Among them, Sajib Ali was also absent.  How Sajib cleared the scholarship exam despite his absence only the authorities can tell.
Phulbari Upazila Assistant Education Officer and the officer in charge of the cluster of that institution Asafuzzaman said that he heard the matter.  Later the head of the institution was contacted.  He said the student did not take the exam.  How his roll number is listed will be monitored.
Kurigram District Education Officer Shahidul Islam said that if the list sent to the upazila level is missing, the matter will be looked into.  In this regard, Phulbari Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Suman Das said, I have already learned about the matter and the investigation is ongoing after reviewing all the documents seriously.  Further action will be taken after the investigation.
It should be noted that the primary education department has suspended the primary scholarship results four hours after publication.  The results were declared at 1 pm on Tuesday.  Later, at 5:30 PM, the Directorate of Primary Education sent an e-mail to all DPEOs (District Primary Education Officers) saying that the revised results will be out in a few days.  The declared result has been postponed.

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