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Apu Basfor of the Harijan community took the bride in a helicopter to fulfill her father's dream. - dailypressjournal

Apu Basfor of the Harijan community took the bride in a helicopter to fulfill her father’s dream.

  • Update Time : Thursday, January 19, 2023
  • 287 Time View

Apu Basfor of the Harijan community took the bride in a helicopter to fulfill her father’s dream.

 Saifur Rahman Shamim, Kurigram :

 Apu Basfor, a son of the Harijan community of Netrakona, took the bride to his home in a helicopter from Kurigram.  Although Apu is a 4th class employee by profession, he organized this to fulfill the dream of his deceased father Dilip Basfor.  The bride Sanita Rani Bari is the daughter of Harijan Bhuttu Bosphor of Basti Para village in Kurigram town.

 The helicopter landed at the Kurigram district stadium on Wednesday (January 18) at noon.  Later, thousands of people gathered to see the helicopter.

 According to the bride’s family, groom Apu Basfor’s house is in Netrakona Sadar and Shanita Rani’s house is in Basti Para of Kurigram Town.  As Apu Basfour’s closest relative lives in Kurigram, they got married through family discussions.

 Shanita Rani’s father Bhutt Basfor said, we are poor people.  The groom liked our daughter.  The marriage was given with the consent of both families.  I never believed that a girl would be taken away by helicopter as a wife.  Today, when the helicopter came and took the girl, the chest was filled with peace.

 Groom Apu Basfor said, My father died two years ago.  He wanted to marry me in a big way.  He repeatedly asked my wife and mother to be brought home by helicopter.  So I am taking my wife home by helicopter spending 80 thousand rupees per hour to fulfill my father’s soul’s peace and dreams.

 A person named Md. Rahim who came to see the helicopter said, I have never seen a bride and groom go in a helicopter.  Today, I saw a helicopter in the crowd of so many people at the stadium.  I pray that the bride and groom are fine.

 A person named Rahim Uddin said, “As far as I know, helicopter marriages have not taken place in Kurigram.”  This is the first time a Harijan girl got married in a helicopter.

 Sadar Police Deputy Inspector (SI) Majed Ali, who is in charge of security, said, We are in charge of maintaining order and security.  The helicopter landed very nicely and the bride and groom left again.

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