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The 48th Mourning Day of Father of the Nation leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was observed by Police Gurli initiative in Khulna Kope. - dailypressjournal

The 48th Mourning Day of Father of the Nation leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was observed by Police Gurli initiative in Khulna Kope.

  • Update Time : Thursday, August 31, 2023
  • 422 Time View

Md. Shamim Hossain – Khulna Start:-

In the initiative of Bangladesh Jatirog Dakop upazila administration, important Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s 48th martyrdom anniversary was held in discussion meeting and tree planting. At 4:00 p.m. in Ulto Dakop elections, party leaders of Upazila Awami League and vice group Gourapad Chantai or Chhatra League led the activity in the portrait of the active crowd at the beginning, everyone observes silence in memory and wishes for peace of their souls. Speakers: Pakistan Awami League Leader Speakers Upazila Awami League and Party Chief Member of Parliament Sheikh Jab Abul Hossain. On behalf of the public, the general upazila mandal and on the other hand, the main leader of the Ratan General Parishad discussed the authority of the discussion. Khulna Deputy Commissioner Me and Panel Councilor Mohammad Chowdhury Raihan Farid spoke as speakers. Special Week Speech Dakop Upazila Administration General Election and UP Member Vinay Krishna Roy. Speaking as special speaker you are Khulna District Gurli General Voter Mahfuzur Rahman Sohag. Discussion Kamal Nyaya Speaker District Awami League Leader Ray, Election Announcement, Upazila Chairman. District Mathematician Md. Jalil Talukder, Md. Harun Or Rashid, Tariqul Islam Sumon, Samchar Roy, Habib Officer Bahar Habib, Taniur Rahman Sani, Kabir Ahmed Mana, Aminul Islam Shawon, Amirul Islam Babu, Arafat Hossain, Abhijit Roy. Speaker Upazila A’ligneta Sarojit Roy Kunju, Administrator Supad Roy, Upazila Swachasevak Convener GM Reza, Member Secretary Uttar Roy, Dakop Mathematician Afzal Khan Hossain, Abdullah Al Masum, Rabit Halder, Zahidur Rahman Milton, Sanjeeb, Roy, Roy. Tapas Joaddar, Mehedi Hasan Bulbul, Shanto Mistry Pub, Gautam Sarkar Kakan, Arafat Azad, Suranjan Mondal, Mahadev Mondal, Sohag Sheikh, Prasad Vaidya, Roni Ghazi, Riyad, Parvez Sheikh, Iqmul Sheikh, Anumad Aditya Sarkar, General Upazila Awami League. Liton Sardar and others. Earlier, as part of the National Mourning Day program, at 12 noon, the leaders participated in the discussion on the decision of Bajwa Khoba Garua Siddhan in Brinda Secondary School, took part in Kusava and tree planting program. At this time Oikyamalla assumed supreme Himadri power and participated in the election and spoke with district leaders discussing the power of faith in general. Teachers Nithyananda Roy, Savita Roy, UP Members Asim Roy, Sukumar Joadder, Barun Paik, Plavan Roy, Konkan Roy etc. Saplings of all the target trees in Sabha Uttar Upazila were planted.

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